Ok y'all, I feel like this is becoming a regular thing lately. I come on here to update everyone on the newest happenings with my family, and I end up sharing life-changing news. Well, it's happening yet again!
Tyler and I are moving. (yes, again). And this time, it's not just 15 minutes away. Tyler, Silas (Giggs and Sabby) and I are moving back up to Northwest Arkansas! This has been quite the whirlwind month for me. On December 4th, we moved from our beloved Heights home to Bryant, a small town about 15 minutes outside of Little Rock. Our plan was to live in the house for about a year, then move and make our current home a rental. That was the plan.
But, on December 4th, as our movers were unloading us into our new house, that all changed. I received a call from a friend in NWA. She was hiring a person on her team at Walmart and thought I would be a good fit. Wow! I thought. Walmart -- how exciting! Such a challenge, I know, but one that I was really, really interested in. And the job is right up my alley. Plus, it's NWA! I mean, I'd be lying if I said I had never wanted to eventually get back up to NWA to be close to family. And now with Silas, it's even more important.
So I interviewed for the position and found out earlier this week that I have been accepted for the position! Again, this is something that I had not planned on. At. All. I know it will be a huge challenge to make this transition, especially with a baby, but I knew if I didn't go for it, I would always regret it!
Tyler has been so great throughout all of this. He loves his current job, so it's been hard for him to think about finding something new. But he is, of course, excited about being close to family.
So what does this mean for our little family? Well, for right now, Tyler will stay in Little Rock and work while we put our *new* house back on the market. He will also look for jobs up in NWA. Silas and I will head up to NWA. I will begin work and my mom and Amanda are so generous to watch Silas until we can find the right day care. I am SO blessed to have their support!
So right now, I ask for your prayers during yet another transition for my family. Pray that we sell our house quickly. Pray that Tyler finds a great job he loves. Pray that we can all be together again as soon as possible. And pray for me as I start a new job -- I know it'll be a lot at first, so be prayerful that I can learn quickly and stay confident.
I am so beyond excited about this change. But I am nervous! I am uprooting my family -- that's a lot of pressure! Yes, we are going "home," but Tyler and I have built a life in Little Rock, and we will be leaving some dearly LOVED people. So needless to say, I'm sure there will be moments when I doubt this decision -- heck, I have moments already! But I know that God has laid this path for me for a reason. And I'm jumping in with both feet and trusting in His plan!
Lastly, pray that this is the LAST life-changing news for a while! I'm hoping that 2015 is a great year for our family -- and mostly one without any more big changes.I'm not sure my fragile emotional state can handle anything else new! :)
Life Lately: Week 10
2 weeks ago
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