- Pumping
bras are not REAL bras. The day before I went back to work, I realized
I was in need of some items so that I could successfully pump at work. I had
heard about hands-free pumping bras – although I had never seen one or knew how
they worked. I ran to Babies-R-Us and picked up a few supplies including the
pumping bra. When I got home, I unwrapped the box, excited to see this new
little contraption that was going to be my new best friend at work. I pulled it
out, looked it over, and thought…. “Hmmmm…. This doesn’t look that
comfortable.” I shrugged my shoulders and went on with my day. The first day of
work arrived and I put on this nifty bra. It felt weird, uncomfortable and the
seams were in really awkward places. Never seen a pumping bra? Google it. Ya, I
wore one of those ALL day my first day of work. I itched, pulled, tugged ALL
day long. I kept thinking “HOW do women wear these every day? And can’t you see
the seams through your clothing?” That first day I was selective with my outfit
so that the seams couldn’t be seen, but I was worried this would severely limit
my clothing options. After that first day though, I was done with the bra.
Done! So the second day of work I went without the bra (I wore a normal one,
don’t worry!). I held the pumps, which felt like such a waste of time. I didn’t
think I could continue this whole pumping thing! Was I going to have to hold
the pumps every time? Then I had the amazing, earth-shattering realization ---
I’m only supposed to wear the pumping bra when I actually pump. Game. Changer.
All you experienced mommas are probably laughing uncontrollably right now… or rolling your eyes… or thinking that you’re reading the blog of the dumbest person on the planet. And I can’t really blame you for any of that. But here’s the kicker… NO ONE TOLD ME!!!! Of all the wonderful mommas I know, NO ONE bothered to explain the logistics of pumping at work! So you soon-to-be mommas, or anyone who ever thinks they will be a momma in the future, take note. And just know, no matter what mistakes you make along the way, at least you didn’t wear a pumping bra on your first day back to work.
- Dry
shampoo is your new best friend. I’m a little late to this train. I had
never used it until my wonderful SIL, Amanda, brought me a bottle at the
hospital after having Silas. Holy freaking cow. Where has this been all my
life? Goodness knows I don’t have time to wash my hair [every single day]? Ya right.
- Things are going to change. I’m still working on this one. I struggle with change apparently, because this has been the hardest part for me. In fact, I struggle so much that I decided to break this into subpoints.
- Change in marriage -- During the last few weeks of pregnancy I became increasingly more stressed about the change in family dynamic. Tyler and I had a pretty good thing going these past 10 years. He is my best friend and we genuinely enjoy just being together (as marriage should be!). We aren’t perfect, and we sometimes drive each other crazy, but overall get along incredibly well! I worried that throwing a baby in the mix might change things for the not-so-good. Silly, I know. Blame it on the hormones, but that’s what kept me up at night. Well I am here to say that things did change. A lot. And we are still trying to “find our groove” with Silas in the mix. But the changes that have happened are incredible. I get to see this man I love step up in to fatherhood and it’s a pretty stinking awesome thing. I have been able to experience the absolute unconditional love from my husband while I’m teetering on insanity. Despite my crazy mood swings and high demands, he has helped with a smile on his face.
- Change in
body – Ok, this one basically sucks to talk about. Friends would say things
to me like “Say goodbye to your body as you know it!” all during my pregnancy.
I thought this comment was rude and certainly unsolicited! How do you know my body is
going to change? I would think. I
could be one of those that just bounces back! Ugh! Well friends, they were
right. And what I originally thought was rude, I know see as a kind, friendly
warning to brace yourself. Brace yourself for the train wreck will be your body
after baby. Now, maybe you’re in the .5% of people that still can rock that
bikini after baby… and if so? I hate you.
J Ok, I’m kidding.
Seriously, that is awesome and I’d be lying if I wasn’t jealous. I say if you
can, you should rock that bikini. I am just not going to join you! I’m having a “let’s get real” moment here,
and it’s not easy to say all of this, so bear with me. This has probably
been one of the hardest parts of post-pregnancy for me. While I was
overwhelmingly in love with this little baby, I was simultaneously grieving.
Grieving the fact that I knew I would never look the same again. I was (and
still am) learning how clothes fit me now. What styles, sizes, etc, I should or
shouldn’t wear. I find myself tugging, tucking, pulling and adjusting clothes a
lot more now, simply because I want to make sure every inch of my body is covered. :) And it’s just a bigger deal
than I expected. People said my body would change. I just didn’t expect it to
be as painful or difficult of an adjustment as it has been.
- When
you’re not feeling cute, buy something. Ok so this is probably not a great pattern to get into. And could
become a bit dangerous for your wallet – so this is all within reason. BUT, I
will say, when I have been feeling a little less than cute, a simple purchase
here or there has really helped me out! A new haircut? Check. New eyeshadow?
Check. New top or necklace? Check check check. So even though I may not feel
good about what’s going on under the clothes and makeup, at least I can
distract with a super cute top from Target, right? Just don’t tell Tyler!
- You
will eat your words. Case and point – snot suckers. Other moms have
been talking about the most disgusting thing I had ever heard of – a tube
connecting your mouth to your baby’s stuffy nose. In essence, you suck in and
the boogers come out. Gag. Me. Please. Horrified, I swore I would never. NEVER.
use one of these inhumane contraptions. Well, two weeks with a stuffy nose, and
Silas was sounding worse than ever. And what do you know? I ran to Target and
picked up one of these torture devices. I caved. I bought. I sucked. But by
golly, his nose was clean as a whistle. So suck it. ;)
- You
just, quite simply, can’t get enough. Over the years, and especially
during pregnancy, I heard over and over about moms with children weren’t “good”
sleepers. They needed to be nursed to sleep, rocked to sleep, co-sleep, etc. I
have friends that would spend hours
trying to put their little ones to bed at night! How horrible, I would think. What
a burden. I promised myself I was going to do my best to get my baby as
sleep-independent as possible from the earliest of ages. Well, my baby isn’t
the worst sleeper, but certainly isn’t the best either. But what I can say is
on the nights that he’s a little fussy and takes extra time to fall asleep, I
gladly and joyfully rock him, nurse him, whatever it takes. Those nights where
he fights sleep and I end up going in his room 3+ times to rock him back to sleep? I do it with a smile on
my face. Sure, it’s tiring. Of course, I’m exhausted. But I don’t care. And THAT is the thing I didn’t understand
before. I assumed these moms that had “bad” sleepers, or babies that were
fussy, were burdened. That their little one’s demands were too much. But they
aren’t. I WANT to be the one to rock
him to sleep, or go back to rock him
to sleep for the fourth time. When he
wakes up every 2 hours, sure I’m crazy stupid tired. And the next morning you
betchya I’m running full steam to the nearest Starbuck’s. But I love it. And
I’m definitely not burdened. I am blessed beyond measure!
Life Lately: Week 7
4 days ago