I was helping by taking care of MK. I had never worn one of these little devices but they are sooo cool! I will definitely be sporting one of these when my time comes.
B was watching Aladin on Disney... so she was quite entertained the whole night.
Amy and Pat working hard!
Mom came and loved spending time with the girls! B definitely knows how to cheese it up! :)
B was soooo excited about her outfit! Sorry everyone, no pics of the costumes yet. I don't want to spoil Amy's fun for her own blog!
Soooooo after all the fun festivities for the night, we made our way back to Amy's house. B definitely got in a cheesy mood because she was ALL ABOUT singing us songs and watching the videos I took! She kept me laughing all night!
Well as I'm typing this I'm having some issues with the video part. I will post those tomorrow for sure though!
Tomorrow will also be full of fun! I am taking B and Harry for some Hanny time. I know Amanda is having trouble keeping up with Harry right now (heck, I have trouble keeping up and I'm not over 9 months pregnant!) So I am going to try and keep them busy and wear them out for their mommas!! :)
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