So Friday I met April and Ashley for some SHOPPING!!! I have seriously cut back on my shopping since getting married (although Tyler may not think so! ha!) So it was sooo much fun to spend some time just walking around the mall! I ended up buying a dress for Megan's wedding! So cute!
Anyway, after some shopping, Megan, Ashley, April, and Lauren all came over to my apt to freshen up before dinner and see my place. Then we were off to meet everyone else at Cajun's Wharf! YUMMMY!! It's seriously one of my favorite places! It was so good!
Ashley and Rachel
Mallory and the Birthday girl!!! I'm sooo glad Mal was able to come!
Ashley putting on April's Birthday crown... I think we were all so excited about getting together that her birthday felt more like a bachelorette party! ha! We just wanted to make it super special for her!
My loves!
Me and Ape with her birthday cake I made!
And here is the cake that I made! I had talked about it in an earlier post but didn't want to show it, but here it is! Its says "Happy Birthday Princess April." I even put real jewels on it too! It really isn't anything special, I know. It even kind of looks like a first grader wrote it. :) But it was fun to make and actually tasted AMAZING! It was Funfetti, my personal fav. :)
We sat really close to the band that was playing during dinner, so we asked them to sing Happy Birthday to April! I think she was a little embarrassed, but it was well worth it!
I love this pic!! Mal is singing to Ape. haha!
Seriously, SUCH a cute pic!
Ape enjoying the cake! She even gave a piece to the band and 2 other people who were celebrating their birthday in the restaurant too! Just sharing the love! :)
Me and the Birthday girl! So glad I got to see her!!!
Then yesterday, Tyler and I went to a gun show in LR. I had never been to one before but was kind of excited to see all the different types of guns. Tyler and I have talked about getting one for a LONG time, way before we got married. We decided that we wanted several, but knew that we should just start out with one. So Tyler has been researching for a while and figured out exactly what he wanted. We even found out a personal friend of ours actually carries the same gun. So Tyler was able to see it first hand and talk to the friend about it beforehand.
I know that to some people, the idea of having a gun freaks some people out, but we truly believe that if we train ourselves properly and are responsible gun owners, we will never have to actually use it... actually that is the whole goal. We truly hope that we never have to use it, but just knowing we do have that protection will help me sleep a little better.
Tyler doesn't quite understand why I get so jumpy, but I really do have the hardest time falling asleep at night. Every car door that shuts or voice I hear outside, I am convinced that someone is about to break in and kill us both. ha! I NEVER used to be so concerned with that sort of thing before, but as I've gotten older I guess you could say I've become more realistic. I realize that more than likely we will never be attacked by a crazed-axe murderer.... but better safe than sorry, right? So now I will be able to sleep well, knowing that we have protection if we ever needed it.
Don't worry, it isn't loaded. Tyler just wanted to show how big it was.
And here it is again. Not too big, but just what we needed.
Soooo... I am probably going back to Searcy this afternoon for a little more girl time! I will definitely have some more blogging to do after that, I'm sure! There are always fun things to talk about after spending time with friends!!! :)
Is it pathetic that I want to hang out with you guys? great job on the cake...too fun! you guys are packing heat!
It looks like you girls had a lot of fun! Great choice by the way on your purchase. It's nice to feel a little safer I'm sure.
It looks like such a blast!! Fun pics!!=)
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