Wooden Background

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Yes, Jesus Yoves Me!

This is WAY overdue, but I really don't have much going on right now so I thought I would share this with you. This is from the weekend GK was born. I stayed with Amy to help with B and MK. Here is B singing some songs! She is seriously the sweetest little girl, and definitely loves to watch herself on the videos! haha! Sorry they are sideways, I can't figure out how to rotate them.

Here she is singing "Jesus Loves Me", or as I like to say "Jesus Yoves Me" :)

And now, "If you're happy and you know it!" SO CUTE!

I hope this brightens your day, like it does mine! :)


Whitney said...

This is just PRECIOUS! I love that she can sing so well. This most definitely made my day.

Whitney said...

oh my gosh that is the cutest thing ever!!!!

~aj~ said...

And I yove Brooklyn! What a sweetheart she is!

aWare said...

Way super cute! She is a household favorite here!!! We love that girl to pieces.

Scott said...

That is awesome. Thanks for posting that Hannah. that made my day. Call me when you get a chance, I've got a funny story to tell you about her.

Friendly Visitors!